Springwood High School

A School for All

Telephone02 4751 2111


What do I do if ... students

I'm late: Go to the main office (in Jackson block). The office staff will give you a late pass so that you can be admitted to class. If you have a note from a parent/carer the office will enter a reason, if no note is provided a text message will be sent home so a reason can be provided.  If you are continually late the office staff will ask your Deputy Principal to talk with you. 

I have to leave school early: The school needs to be notified in advance if this is the case. Your parent/carer must either send an email to springwood-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au  Attn: Administration OR  write a note advising of the reason for the Early Leave and the time you will be required to leave.

This note needs to be handed into the main office BEFORE school and an electronic Early Leavers Pass will be generated and given to your child. You will show your class teacher this pass when leaving to ensure they know you have permission to leave at the approved time.

You are then free to leave the school premises with this pass and do not have to come through the main office before departure.

If you return to school after an appointment, you must report to the main office to sign back in.

I miss the bus after school: At the final bell it is essential you go quickly to the bus bay if you have to catch a bus. If you miss the bus, immediately report to the teacher on bus duty. If you cannot find a teacher do not attempt to make your own way home. Instead, report to the Principal or Deputy Principal and they will make alternative arrangements for you.

I feel sick: Speak to your teacher and ask them to write you a note to attend Sick Bay. Take the note to the main office in Jackson block.  Before school, at recess or at lunch you do not need a note. Students are not to make their way home without permission if sick. 

I forgot my sport money: Report to the PD/Health/PE staffroom before the end of recess. Your name will be put on a list and an alternative sport activity will be arranged for you. It is essential that all students meet their financial sports commitments so that the school can continue to provide a wide range of experiences.

I have trouble with another student: Report the problem to your classroom teacher, your Year Advisor or Ms Wolfe (Head Teacher Student Services).

I need a Concession card and am over 16: Transport Concession Entitlement Cards are available from the library for all students 16 years of age and older. While you are in full-time education, you are entitled to a concession rate on all NSW public transport if you carry this card. Without this card, you must pay adult fare or risk being fined.  Proof of Age cards are available for students approaching 16 years of age, and are recommended if you are often mistaken for being older than you are.