Springwood High School

A School for All

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Plan your assignment

Having a clear plan and structure for your assignment makes writing much easier and faster



Mindmaps are useful if you have a lot of information. To create a mind map you can either use freemind, inspiration, bubbl.us or write it on paper.

  • Write your topic in the middle of the piece of paper
  • Write each point you want o make in a new bubble linked to the question
  • Write three pieces of information around each point - These should be examples or evidence you can use to prove your point

Mindmaps can include images, graphics or test - whatever helps get your ideas on paper. Once you see how your ideas fit together, then you can use a linear plan to help organise your points into a logical order.

Linear Planning

Linear plans are useful when your are writing something that has a specific structure, like an essay or a report. A linear plan for an essay describes your

  • Introduction
  • First point
  • Second point
  • Third point
  • Conclusion


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