Springwood High School

A School for All

Telephone02 4751 2111


Combined Senior Curriculum

The Combined Senior Curriculum (Year 10, Senior Year 1, Senior Year 2)


Year 10

Year 11 – Senior Year 1

Year 12 – Senior Year 2

Year 10

Year 10 study the traditional curriculum with the main difference being after the RoSA has concluded. Under the traditional model, RoSA students are generally engaged in generic programs for the 5 weeks until the end of Term 4, and many simply do not attend. With the Combined Senior Curriculum, students commence Senior Year 1 in week 6, term 4.

Three subjects studied (Senior Year 1 & 2 – Stage 6)

Students study three subjects in Senior Year 1 and three subjects in Senior Year 2. They complete the preliminary and Higher School Certificate (HSC) courses, as well as the HSC examinations in these three subjects in each year. At the end of Senior Year 2 students combine their results in their six subjects and attain the HSC. In the traditional HSC model students study six subjects in Year 11 and at least 5/6 subjects in Year 12.

Vertical classes

Students in Senior Year 1 and Senior Year 2 complete their subjects in vertical classes. There are Senior Year 1 and Senior Year 2 students in all classes, i.e. Year 11 & 12 will be in the same curriculum class.